Foragers and Wildlings
Family Forest SCHOOl

Alpine Village School partners with Deep Roots Life School and Rootwork Yoga & Herbs to bring you Foragers and WildLings Family Forest School! Our immersive family classes are designed to deepen your connection with nature as we invite you to explore our native plants, learn how to sustainably forage medicinal herbs, develop a KEEN sense of awareness on our trail heads, and introduce families to a wide set of survival skills.

Our intention is simple: encourage familles to explore the outdoors, learn together, and build a relationship with the abundantly beautiful area that surrounds us in the inland Pacific Northwest. Come join us as we meet every Friday at a different trailhead to learn about basic survival skills, identifying animal tracks, foraging for Medicinal plants, and more!  We can’t wait to connect and grow with our forest school families!

  • Foragers class (Ages 6 & Below)

    Miss Rachael's class will take "foragers" into nature's classroom- through the woods and meadows, alongside creeks and lakes in search of the plants, animals, and insects that we share our home with. We will learn how to identify specific wild plants and trees, explore medicinal properties of native plants and their common uses. All while enjoying time in community, connecting with mother Earth and her creatures while singing songs, looking for animals and animal tracks, and having tea time with the trees.

  • WILDLINGS CLASS (Ages 7 & Up)

    Kindle a deep connection with the wonders of the world and the art of survival with Amber's 'Wildlings' wilderness curriculum. Become immersed in what the ground is made of, where the most useful plants are growing, and how to protect yourself from the elements of a largely unpredictable force called nature.

  • Rachael Krause


    Rachael had the blessing of growing up on the Shiawasee River in Central Michigan. Her first classroom was the wild, her first teachers painted turtles and bullfrogs. Her childhood was spent amongst the woods and meadows foraging wild raspberries and autumn olives. Mending bug bites with jewel weed, and playing "spa" in the swamp clay. The love and appreciation for the land and its creatures imprinted and impacted every facet of her life, lovingly guiding her around and across the country and then to North Idaho where she has been fortunate to share this love with the students at Alpine Village School. Rachael is an herbalist and certified yoga instructor. Infusing her lived experience with nature and the teachings of our ancestors, in hopes of inspiring young minds to see the world for each magnificent bird, bee, and bulb that encompasses it, and us.

  • AMBER Lomas


    Amber is a passionate, lifelong learner with an unending love for the outdoor world. She has always had an affinity for natural knowledge and respect for the planet. Her life paths have all funneled her into this moment, ready to inspire the next generation to be self reflective and self sufficient. She has an associates degree in child development, a technical certificate in outdoor leadership, a ten day immersive training as a wilderness skills instructor, a 200 hour yoga teacher training and over 160 hours in first aid certifications. Her hobbies include mushroom hunting, berry picking, snowboarding, hot springing, learning new things, recovering from perfectionism and all around being in awe of nature. Take a confident step into kinship with self, others and your place in space with Amber's Wildling's class.


Single day drop in price: $65 (families up to four people)
Four weeks prepaid: $240 (families up to four people)
$10 per additional family member (per day)
Children 1 and below: free

Rhythm of the Day

10:00am-10:15am - Arrival
10:15am-10:30am - Whole group gather/check in
10:30am - Trail Blaze
11:30am-12:00pm - Lunch n’ Tea
12:20pm-12:50pm - Activity/Craft/Story-time
1:00pm - Head back
1:10pm-1:30pm - Closing circle


  • No. Parents are in attendance the whole time. We intentionally created a program that involves the whole family.

  • We will rotate between seven different trail heads in the Coeur D Alene and Hayden area. Upon enrollment we will send you the dates and locations of each trail.

  • Dressing appropriate for the weather will ensure a pleasurable learning experience. Upon enrollment we will send out a more detailed clothing list for the colder seasons. Please bring a packed lunch, water bottle, and (optional) a light blanket to sit on.

  • Families who have children in both age range can pick their preferred class, just know trails will be longer and activities more advanced in the Wildings class. Another option is to bring two adults so each child can be in their age preferred program.

  • Every Friday in September, October, and possibly November depending on the weather. Snow is fun but we avoid the trails when it’s icy. We will keep the group posted on our last weeks of the season as we near the end of October. The program resumes in March through June 12, 2026.

  • Forgers and Wildings Family Forest School has the right to cancel class due to severe weather, smoke, or unsafe road/ trail conditions. While we do our best to reschedule class, it is not a guarantee. We do not offer make ups or refunds for missed classes. All payments are non-refundable.

Apply below